
it was always supposed to happen, i just didn’t know it until a few years ago but if i think back and piece together a few of my extraordinary experiences, how my understanding of antifragility propelled me as it’s talked about, it all kinda makes sense. this morning i looked in the mirror and realized i'd become the man i’ve always wanted to be. yes, just today, then it left like a thief in the night. some may say that it was short lived and sad, I encourage those not to be so simple.
i remember that one time when i talked my way back to the us on the prime minister of a country’s private plane that had just dropped him off at the exact place i was looking to leave from. i’d gone sailing down the coast of california with my uncle and aunt, by the time I caught my breath (one month later) I was in the most southern point of mexico way down past Baja California Mexico. i had to be in class the next day in san diego. it was either jet or take a bus back to the border which would have been interesting yes but it would have also taken five days so no gracias. that specific time, i learned of my ability to put words together that connect with people the way they expected me to not I. I was 18. check that one off the list.
or that one time i got arrested in Minnesota on some half racist shit that led me to see what growing exponentially looks like, quickly and yes fuckers, check!
or the period in my life when I worked for the presidents of a few Latin American countries that are still near and dear to my heart.
the beautiful complexity of where I come from fuels my creative needs, add a splash of the most alluring fragrances from the brujas in my ancestral tree (all of my women ) and you get lil ol’d me. those simple elements drive every part of my soul to only want to tell meaningful and impactful stories from around the world and express that through film, with the best humans in my universe. one winter.
love, from buenos aires, argentina 🥀