The Best On Earth
What an incredible year this has been (I use “incredible” very loosely) I’m sure not many of us will ever forget 2020!. Last year at this time I like you, was living a super different life. I can’t even imagine what it was like back then yet truthfully but I’m thankful that it’s all happened the way it has, (could it have happened another way? yhea, sure but who’s thinking those thoughts ;) In all reality it was supposed to happen the way it has, but let me not get caught up in my universal life theories and shit.
“Sagittarians are like utility knives, you only realize you don’t have one when you desperately need one”. AM
If this incredibly messed up year has taught me anything, it’s taught me to slow down and enjoy what and who I have in my life, more. That “more” stayed with me for months, enough to where it bothered me enough. I had to go explore, what I’m finding is better than I thought. Think “Jupiter'' and that’s all I’ll say. I’ll report back soon.
So yes, it’s been a blessing to be stronger and in good health this messed up year with some great people around me who care. Many don’t have that luxury and for that I am grateful.
Here’s to another one of these things they call “years”, (they actually do get better and better). Let’s all keep the hope that it will certainly happen for us all in 2021.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes, I’ll let you in on a little secrete if you don’t already know, sagittarians are the best people on earth, always keep one close ;)