What Was Missing
The installation at NYC’s MoMa draws inspiration from an essay by poet in critical theorist Fred Moulton and Stefano Harney which explores how the importance of communication of ideas are intertwined in consistently misinformation.
The feeling of communication is very elusive. There’s always an incompleteness to being seen by another, the unfortunate part is that I’ve adapted to see that as understandable. We combine text, image, dance, music, sex and activism to create hybrid forms of communication that question traditional concepts of representation.
I sat and watched and wrote and thought about communication in my life, the value I hang on communication and it’s place in my universe. It highlights the importance of knowing you will miscommunicate, the importance of tone and the feeling you leave “them” with while you struggle to communicate the ambiguity of life, our experiences and expectations. We are all drawn to specific forms of communications and styles, we all have communication demands but rarely do we communicate them.

conversation is now pretty well a lost art, that as the matter of fact is what was missing, art.