No Choice

Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for
— Bob Marley

pain comes in two forms.

chosen and unchosen pain and they both help to push away the things in life that damage us. “thank you evolution for being so malevolent to curse us with the ability to suffer from pain”.

The two different types are chosen and unchosen pain. Some examples of unchosen pain are things like chronic pain, grieving from when someone we care about dies, getting assaulted, or the plethora different types in this category. The shit part of live that we can never avoid. Unchosen painful events happen out of our control.

the other is chosen pain, the type we place in our lives. for some of us those moments can serve as a catalyst for growth, they build us up, make us more spiritual or cause us to be more physically fit. in my novice opinion, the chosen pain is where life begins. without this pain in our lives we’d get bored out of our minds. if we didn't fail the successes would have no meaning because the good things in life only make sense relative to the bad and painful experiences we go through. a meaningful life is intimately related to our pain and suffering.

A beautiful mess ♥️.


Disastrous Consequence