Playing In The Shadows

When I declared this year my most intentional

I could never have foreseen this revelation  

yet it was inevitable

a truth long hidden, a lifetime spent searching waiting to step out of the shadows into the unknown.  

For years, I chased it  

unaware that the shadows I danced with  

held something far more profound.  

I’d like to call it a relief  

but it felt more like a soft unraveling  

answering the silent questions that lingered  

echoes of a past I couldn’t quite touch.  

I thought I could weather anything  

but this,

this requires patience, surrender

a quiet reckoning that took its time to settle in.  

And now, I find myself awake, 

grateful for the risks I had to take  

grateful for the shadows' fading hue  

grateful for the light that finally broke through.  

So, I take pictures to ease my mind  

capturing the light I used to seek but couldn't find.  


24 and Me


Nobody Is Coming